WORKS . 2007


Sailing as a painted dialog

Imagine a child (this is the ongoing metaphore), clinging to its father’s leg as though it were a mast, building within herself prismatic sails and human portraits of the sea.
Patrícia Herédia's language fosters a visual dialogue, with photographic reverberations that expose the Olympian challenges of the sailing world.
Taught, synchronised bodies obtain their spirit from the winds, their knowledge, and the light that encompasses the competition. And creating in this manner the pure forms, the motives, the artist ennobles the soul of sailing. Let us be led by this sensibility, from wave to wave, so that, like to an oyster, we may espy light and shadow, sound and silence...sailing pearls.

Inês Lampreia


Alma da vela I . Mixed media on canvas . 120x185 cm Alma da vela II . Mixed media on canvas . 120x80 cm Alma da vela III . Mixed media on canvas . 120x185 cm Alma da vela IV . Mixed media on canvas . 3x 120x50 cm Alma da vela V . Mixed media on canvas . 3x 120x50 cm Alma da vela VI . Mixed media on canvas . 120x50+120x80 cm Alma da vela VII . Mixed media on canvas . 120x80 cm Alma da vela VIII . Mixed media on canvas . 120x185 cm